Today our project was to install a full system at the village of Pena Negra. This was the largest village we visited and was less remote than the other two villages, located right near a busy highway.

Before heading to Pena Negra, we stopped at Nuevo Milagros to see if running the pump overnight cleared up the well water. Despite probably causing the road to wash out from all the water we pumped, we were happy to find the water much clearer than it was yesterday. It need a few more days however, so Team 2 will have to check back on Friday or Saturday.

Before getting started we were approached by a group of teachers to come tour their school.

The principal of the school is explaining to Tom that they can't start school on the scheduled date of April 1 until they can get running water for sinks and toilets. We didn't make any promises but told them we would try to get someone to fix or replace their well pump. Cost in US dollars = 20 to 60 dollars. A cost in Peru too prohibitive for the school.

We were overwhelmed by the number of children in this village. When they heard we were there they came from all directions.

After complete bedlam when handing out our initial stash of candy and baseballs, we were able to get the children to settle down. I don't have any good pictures of the riot we caused because i was concerned more with my own safety than taking pictures

Ah. They are quietly coloring now.

Even though we didn't have all the parts we needed to fill the well initially, the villagers were great improvisers, tying together pieces of PVC and hoses to get the job done.

Es un perro.

A thankful village.

Carrying away the first batch of fresh water.
Tonight I attend a Rotary Club meeting in Iquitos and tomorrow head out on a jungle excursion. I will be out there until Sunday morning and will not have any internet or cell phone coverage until then! Hopefully, I will be able to keep up on my blog and post Sunday or Monday.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Pena Negra, Peru
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