Thursday was our last morning in Iquitos. Soon we'd be heading to Palo Verde Lodge.

Here is the boat that will take us 100 km up the Amazon River to the lodge. It was a fast ride (about two hours). The vegetation around the boat just moves out of the way, but the prop needs to be cleaned.

The Palo Verde Lodge from the river. It has 10 one room cabins connected by a boardwalk and a common dining/living area.

Tom relaxing at the lodge with Mike Dickerman (our illustrious host).

Home sweet home for the next three nights. The blue is screens, pretty effective but not 100%
We took a jungle walk after settling in.

This is Beder, he will be our native guide for the next three days. Here he demonstrates which plant makes the best toilet tissue should that become necessary.

This is the window rat, or bartender rat, because he looks as though he is waiting to serve drinks.

Helicona, related to bird of paradise.

As close as I could get to the pygmy marmoset.

Black collared Hawk
After our jungle walk we just enjoyed the lodge and relaxed through dinner. Tomorrow is an early day.
Location:Palo Verde Lodge
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